Faint lines or indents?


So accidents happen. That’s the risk with sex. I’ve used MULTIPLE brands recommended off here to test as I’m late for my period by three days. I clearly get a line in person on each of them. Some of them I’m not sure are actual lines but an indent? Some have color. Everything is within time frame. After I throw it.

What I’ve used and this has happened with all:

*First Response Early Results. Indents clearly visible every time or a very faint line. I have had four give me pink runs like dye is pulling toward the second line from control, but I feel like this isn’t supposed to happen? And it’s within the time window! What is this?! It’s not a line through middle it’s like the whole window or a blob

*Wondfu. I think they’re indents but I’ve had two give me runs (color line down middle from end to end)

*Clearblue I get a hint of very very faint blue on two of them but I think it is an indent and I know nothing of blue dye but the first response are doing indents so bad!

*Pregmate. I’ve used four. One of them had a dye run through middle never go away so invalid. The others all showed indents in person. No color to them. Color pooled slightly at the bottom of the lines on the very edges of the test.

*DG $1. Two of those showed white lines. Indents. Three had dye runs also (I may have put a little too much of a drop on one). But these dye runs are all still there end of time frame it doesn’t clear

Why are there so many indents? Indents are white or grey, not color. If it was color it’d be a faint positive. Testing isn’t cheap. Especially all the boxes of first responses I’ve bought and to have them give me so many indents. I’m not in denial that I’m pregnant. But a faint positive requires color, which I’m not getting except a few and then I get white or grey lines. All within time frame so not evaps. What am I doing wrong?! These are all in person with the physical test. When I take pictures to try to show it they don’t show in the picture, but I don’t know how to photograph tests and lighting. But they’re there!! This is so frustrating. Is this just me and I can’t take a pregnancy test? Only brand I haven’t bought is Walmart generic I feel like