Moving to his pack and play?



Any tips on moving my 3 month old son from his rock and play to his pack and play? They both are in our room and he is such a great sleeper. He can be wide awake and will fall right to sleep after we swaddle him and put him in the rock and play... but now he is starting to outgrow it 😭 He hates sleeping on a flat surface! He could be sound asleep and we carefully put him in his crib and he will be crying in seconds. I hate the idea of crying it out this young. We want to move him to his own room eventually and in the crib but hes gotta be able to sleep laying flat. Any help?

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Leave a shirt you have been wearing in the pack and play (safely away from him of course) so he smells you. Roll up receiving blankets and place around his legs so he’s extra cozy during naps where you can watch him.


Emily • Mar 1, 2019
You can also fold some receiving blankets under the sheet in the pack and play under his head so he’s slightly elevated.


Posted at
I haven’t done this but you could try elevating the end of the pnp on two stacks of books where you could take out a book every few days until it’s flat. Your books would have to be equal thicknesses though.


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I don’t think it’s the mattress. You’re putting him to bed asleep and he wakes up when he’s not being held anymore. I’d look into sleep training. Put him down awake. Also suggest the t shirt idea so it smells like you. Be consistent and it will improve. Give it 2 weeks at least. Good luck!!! Stick to it.