Fussiness when drinking from bottle?


My baby is about 3 weeks old and I’ve been both breastfeeding and giving expressed milk in a bottle. He sometimes has difficulty latching but generally will breastfeed for about 20 minutes without any problems. When I give him a bottle, he sometimes gets really upset...like he is acting hungry and wants the bottle but then once he starts drinking he’ll start crying. But if I take the bottle away he screams to get it back. He also seems to move his arms and legs a lot and grabs his face which he never does on the breast. He is a noisy messy eater and sometimes ends up leaking milk out of his mouth or choking (even though we are using slow flow nipples). Whenever this happens my husband gets frustrated and says the milk must be bad and suggests giving him formula, which I do not want to do at this point. Also he is gaining weight well. Any suggestions or thoughts on why this is happening?