Anxiety getting the better of me.

Overweight mama’s, calm me down? I think my anxiety is getting the better of me... we heard the heartbeat around 12 weeks, I’m 16 weeks tomorrow... we go on Monday for our next apt...

I’ve been able to feel my uterus above my pelvic bone since around week 11. And it seemed like it was getting more pronounced...

Now, I can’t feel it as easily. I can tell something is different (the pressure is different when my cats step on my lower abdomen) but I can’t necessarily tell where things are. I’m guessing that’s in part because the uterus has moved up behind the layers of fat my overweight self has maintained...

But I’ve been having mild pressure since yesterday that I’m not appreciating at all. And it has my mind racing! I know pressure/stretching/mild cramping is normal, but it’s been more consistent and uncomfortable than not.

I just want to hear that heartbeat and know we’re alright. And to feel that bump and some movement.
