Telling family



When are people telling family and friends? I am 10 weeks and haven’t told anyone yet.. I just don’t feel ready to tell. What are other people doing?

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Posted at
I told family at 8 weeks , most of my workers know now . I’m almost 10 weeks now . I want to wait til I announce on social media til I hear the heart beat


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We told immediate family a few days after we found out, so between 4-5 weeks. Other close friends knew around 10ish weeks but I didnt announce on social media until 15 weeks


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I’m 10w too- I’ve told my two best friends and husbands parents, that’s it! I’m going to tell my family after 12w scan and then probably announce to everyone else around 13-14 weeks I think!


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We are waiting until we get through the 1st trimester to tell anyone. Thought about telling my boss so she had a heads up if I start getting sick a lot but going to wait until that actually happens. And plus my 1st trimester ends around Mother’s Day so I’m going to tell my mom then to make it extra special ❤️


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I told my sister, parents and a good friend. My doctor recommended to tell those closest to us so we could not only celebrate and have support but if, god forbid, something were to happen we would have support. Sounded scary but all I heard was that it was ok to tell people.


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Tell mom and dad next week 4 week along I'm going to visit them from out of town I don't get to see that often so it's nice that I had a plan trip around this special time in my life


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I’m 9 weeks Monday and only our closest best friends know. We’ve decided to keep our pregnancy private. We will tell immediate family (parents, siblings, and grandparents) around the 14 week mark or so and then really that’s it’s! Don’t plan on announcing to anyone else. Really if you see me in public you’ll find out and if not then you won’t!


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My mom and coworkers knew at 5 weeks, I’ll tell the rest of my family at around 12 weeks and announce on social media after I find out the gender


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I’m almost 11w and my mom knows and sister know but we are waiting on everyone else until we know the gender


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My coworkers knew at 6 weeks just because it was hard to hide with people I see every day for 8 hours. My family I’ll be telling after my first ultrasound at 10 weeks. Social media probably 14 weeks.