Need Advice!! L8 period, BFN


Hey everyone,

So I'm not too sure where to begin as this is my first time jumping on something like this and asking for some help or suggestions but here goes...

I believe I am close to a week or so late, my last period was on the 20th of Jan and I was due for my period around the 24th of Feb and now it is the 2nd of March. My fertile window was from the 6th to the 10th of Feb, with me and my partner having sex on the 7th of Feb.

I'm not too sure if I perhaps conceived but I have been experiencing pregnancy-like symptoms like nausea, food adversions, migraines, mild cramping, lower back pain, severe bloating, constipation and tender breasts with enlargement of areolas and nipple sensitivity, also I've had an increase in watery, milky white discharge since my fertile window. Normally when I get my period, I get it on time and I only have moderate to severe cramps to tell me that she is coming. I took pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative. I was just wondering if there are any ideas on what may be happening, if there are ladies who may have also experienced what I am currently experiencing or if there are any suggestions on what I can do? Any kind of help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

- Newbie