What is this?!


I am currently 5 days late on af I have received one faint positive then decided to retest.... I was goin to wait til Sunday to be a full week but today I started spotting. I know spotting could be normal but it could also mean af is coming so u got nervous and tested..... I probably shouldn’t have but I am scared and nervous , been ttc for years now. Ive had all the symptoms from sore boobs to peeing like crazy backaches and even headaches..... I thought it would be a good thing to maybe put my mind at ease to know whether yes it’s af or no I’m just spotting could quiet possibly be be pregnant .... but all I got was this ..... I know it is a dye run and even if there was a line it would be invalid but why ...... why is this happening to me? Is there anyone who would have any possible explanation ? Or maybe a sliver of hope that maybe I still might have a chance to be ?