Is it too much of me to ask my mom to keep our conversations private

My mom has been with this guy for about 3-4 months.

I confide in my mother, I always have. I was frustrated with my boyfriend who’ve I’ve been with for 5 years. I expressed My frustration to her and asked for advice. I don’t go telling my mom all our business but I was really needing advice that I’m not comfortable talking to just anyone about. I just needed my mom.

She told her boyfriend and then her boyfriend took it upon himself to confront MY boyfriend.

Besides him overstepping, I want to talk to my mom about this because I feel like she shouldn’t have told her boyfriend. I’m grown, I’m 22 and pay my own bills and live on my own. I should be able to confide in my mother and expect her to keep it between her and I only. He’s not my dad. He didn’t raise me. It’s not his business.

Yes I’m upset with her boyfriend but she is my mom and my MOM first.

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