Not peeing?

Tricia • May Mama💕

My almost 10 month old didn’t pee all night. That isn’t normal for her, she normally fills her diaper. The last time she peed, I’m not sure of. She got home from her dads at 330pm yesterday, I changed her diaper then but don’t remember it being wet. I changed it because the diaper was to big (he has he size 4, I have her in size 3). I changed her diaper around 5 because she pooped but it again wasn’t wet?

What should I do? Be concerned? I gave her Gripe Water last night for her gas, don’t know if that would have made a difference.

Any tips are welcomed. Thank you!

Update: I just changed her and she peed. I’m going to keep an eye on her and the amount of wet diapers.

thank you!