Is it normal

So splitting with partner loads of verbal abuse etc

I have 4 kids 3 from ex and one with current partner and pregnant by current partner. He keeps throwing in my face he pays for everything and my 3 kids from previous relationship. I gave up work as he said can live off his wage because we struggled with childcare for school runs etc I was working

Nights caused problems I got cleaning job then I was working too much. So I said fine soon as baby is born he can watch His two when ex has other 3 and il work nights again and pay for my own kids and share of everything

Now I’ve had enough today so said I’d rather split- reasons don’t want to get into. We have a dog together I said would need to be rehomed as I can’t do 5 kids work and sort his dog as he can’t take with him

Now he saying I won’t be getting rid I will be keeping her and dealing with it

I said well il have to move into a smaller house that can afford and won’t be allowed loads of pets I already have 13 year old dog obviously not rehoming him.

I feel like he’s threatening and telling me what I will be doing even if not together if this normal! He’s like il make your life hell and scream at you and kick off at you every time I see you if you get rid of her like wtf?

I suffer bpd and bipolar and already panicking as have a 5 seater car and kids school miles away not sure how will get 5 kids and me there

I need to find a night job soon as baby born he is due in May