Mirena concern

Okay so I have a weird question for those that have had or have the Mirena IUD.

I got my Mirena inserted in October 2018 and everything has been pretty normal, I got one period after I got it inserted and then after that it’s been light spotting. But for the past 2 weeks I’ve been having pregnancy symptoms. We’re talking tired ALL the time (I’m usually tired but not like this lol), nausea all day, sore nipples, ect. My boyfriend and I have sex probably 2-4 times a week and always unprotected. Have any other ladies experienced these things while having the Mirena and NOT been pregnant? I’ll probably buy a test today as much as I don’t want to. But ima be big mad if I’m actually pregnant 😂 I know shit happens and both of us laid down and made our choices about how we have sex but damn 😒

Thanks in advance!