Anyone have a lazy eater? Tips or commiseration welcome.


My little guy is 6 weeks old and hasn’t been gaining weight...he falls asleep when he breastfeeds, or if he’s awake he gets to a point when he gets fussy and pops off a lot but will cry that he’s hungry. He’ll take a bottle down just fine at that point, and when I pump at that point I can pump kore milk than he took from the bottle before he was full. So frustrating!

So it’s been a frenzy of 60-90 minute long feedings followed by bottle and pumping (if I can manage) every 2 hours during the day. Yikes. At night I let him sleep longer and he feeds better. Doesn’t usually need a bottle to top him off.

What do you do to train a lazy feeder? He latched well. I apply pressure to help him along when he seems to need more food but not take it himself. How do you stay sane? Or pump with a needy baby around?