VBAC mommas?


Any insight, words of encouragement, advice or tips from mommas that have experienced a VBAC?

Long story short, with my first pregnancy I was induced at 41 weeks. They broke my water as soon as I was admitted. After 36 hours of labor and dilating to 9cm, I was rushed in for an emergency c-section due to an infection and my daughter being in distress. Shortly after she was put in the NICU and I was in and out of the ER during my healing process. Needless to say it was quite the birthing experience that left a bad taste in my mouth.

This time, I’m really aiming for a VBAC. I’m currently 39w5d. At my dr appt last week my OB said she wants to induce me in a week if baby isn’t here before then. I’m not sure if it’s just nerves from what happened last time but I’m reeeeally hesitant about being induced again.

I’d appreciate some input from any other mommas who have experienced a similar situation 🖤