Help! Body playing tricks on me 😫


So, 2.5 years TTC and nothing. I have my last fertility test on Thursday (HSG) and my body has decided to confuse me!! My husband has borderline motility and morphology.

Blazing positive OPK on day 14. AF arrived day 28, spotted for 4 days before (pretty normal for me).

S&D bug same day as AF (great 😷) but bled heavy (5 tampons in a day) for just under 48 hours - then nothing 🙈 My period is usually 3/4 days. I assumed it was because of my bug, all the straining had lead to a short heavy period.

HSG is booked for CD10 (currently CD6) and thought, I don’t know why, to do my one remaining OPK test. It came out quite dark?! I don’t usually have a second line until I’m nearing ovulation at day 14 🤷🏼‍♀️

Ps. Took HPT just before AF and it was BFN.

Thoughts?! Experiences?! I don’t usually do OPKs this early. Usually start around CD8-10.

Here’s a photo of the offending OPK 🤣