Pregnant (read below



When pregnant do you have to get blood work ?

If so can you skip it ?

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Posted at
Umm please don’t skip it. That’s putting your baby and yourself in danger. Blood work is only to make sure everyone is healthy and to get ahead of serious medical complications if they pop up.


Posted at
Why df would you want to skip’s for you and your child.. 0.o


Lu • Mar 3, 2019
Well you Volta do what’s best for you baby. You need it for glucose, gene tests, with chromosomes your child will have, if you’re having medical problems. You’re choice but just really you have to do what’s best for your child a panic attack is tough I go through them a lot but mind over matter.


FF • Mar 3, 2019
Because I can’t do blood work it will set me into a panic attack and I don’t think that’s really good for the baby ether


Posted at
I don’t recommend skipping it if you can, blood work can tell them a lot more than a urine sample or even an ultrasound. I never skipped mine I had to get bloodwork all the time when I was pregnant, it’s not bad. It takes 5 minutes out of your time and it is just a pinch it’s worth the tiny pinch to make sure your baby is okay.


Kayla • Mar 4, 2019
I mean it’s up to you it’s your body and baby, just don’t recommend skipping it that’s all.. I hate needles and I have panic attacks too I understand what you mean.. Maybe talk to your doctor about it and tell them bloodwork makes you have panic attacks and see what they say.


FF • Mar 3, 2019
I guess so .. I just can’t do it I will instantly go into a panic attack and that’s not good for the baby ether .. I’m sure peeing and a ultrasound should make sure almost everything is okay


Posted at
Not sure if u have a choice or not honestly but can I ask why you would want to skip it. I do know there are some blood test that are elective like the genetic testing. Is it a fear or needles or the cost of them?


Posted at
I used to have a fear and would also react the same way as you. You literally just have to suck it up and it only takes a minute. If you want to have a baby you REALLY need to suck it up and do what’s best for you and the child. If you can’t handle bloodwork, don’t have a baby. Because during birth you will be pricked and pricked along with your vagina being ripped open. So. Get over the fear or don’t have a baby. No one likes blood work but once you get it done it’s really not that bad. Just close your eyes and look away and it’s over before you know it.


Posted at
You're going to have to practice some mind over matter. If you can't handle a simple blood drawal you are going to have fun when you go into labour.


FF • Mar 4, 2019
Giving birth I’m not worried about I’ll be fine . I’m not scared of needles it’s the fact they tie up your arm sends me into a panic . I have a disorder ..