Have you given your leaving date for maternity yet?



Will be having new rota April, so sort my dates out then!

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Posted at
Nope plan on working no matter what I'm Soo scared this pregnancy that I'll be broke so I took on a job/ jobs that I can keep my babies with me so I can save up at least 5000-10000 just in case


Posted at
I’m having a scheduled cSection, once I know my exact date at 32 weeks I’ll let my job know! I plan on working right up to the week before my surgery!


Posted at
I would have no clue when my baby is coming. I’m going to be working until I have to leave work to go to the hospital or I’m pulled out.


Posted at
My manager kind of pushed me into giving her an answer. I told her I’ll work through the end of June and take leave starting in July but it’s not an “official” notice until May 10th. That’s when I have to put in my official notice.


Posted at
I put in my leave request on Friday because I’m a teacher and lots of hiring starts soon for next year. I want my employer to find me a good sub, so I wanted to give a lot of warning.


Megan • Mar 3, 2019
I’m not. I’m due in July. I took October and November off.


T • Mar 3, 2019
How long before your due are you leaving? X


Posted at
My boss knows and has located a replacement. I still need to determine my short term disability and their rules. My workload will change to local work only in June due to doctor not wanting me to be 2 hours away and in labor. But no I have not given an official date until the time gets closer.