Worst Year Ever

Hanna • PCOS Diagnosed 😣

So, this year started out so great. Rang in the new year with SO, passed my mid terms with flying colors, celebrated my nephews first birthday... then February came.

I’ve been sick with a sinus infection since Feb 2. I’ve been put on three different antibiotics and nothing is working.

That’s not that bad tho, right. Well, as if it wasn’t enough to deal with, I started my period today, and I put a tampon in. The normal, the go-to. Nothing unusual. I sit down in bed and out of no where start these period cramps from the devil himself. I mean, cramps so bad I was screaming, I could feel my uterus actually twitching inside me. It felt like someone was taking their fingers right above my pelvic bone, shoving them through my skin and playing basketball with my reproductive organs.

So once that bad cramp was over, I spent twenty minutes on the toilet trying to replace my tampon, but the blood just kept coming. Quarter-sized clot, after quarter-sized clot. So I said eff it. I grabbed three OVERNIGHT pads, piled them on top of one another, and placed them inside my panties.

So now my situation is laying in bed with a heating pad on my pelvis, and sobbing as I type this. I haven’t had pain this bad in years and of all times, it had to come on now, after I’ve already been sick and moody for a month. Yay 2019. 🤧😷