Bath Incident! 😬

So I was on my period and I decided (Stupidly) to take a bath. I got the bath ready and sat into it (mind you, this was the 2nd to 3rd day so it was HEAVY) I get in and- you know those rapid sneezes you get sometimes? I got that and oh my... It looked like someone was just brutally murdered in my bathtub! I get out of the bath and sit on the toilet. I realize: I HAVE NO PADS! I forgot to get some pads... 😰

So I grab toilet paper do what I can and race to get to the other bathroom across the hall with my towel rapped around me. Turns out my 9 year old brother walked into the bathroom and saw the blood red bath. I had to explain that I wasn’t dying of blood loss. I wasn’t stabbed. No one was murdered. Oh lord. Mom took him away and... I have know idea what she said but my brother looked terrified after. 😂

Any embarrassing period stories?

*EDIT* Thanks so much for all the upvotes! Wow!
