Strange Rash? (Possible TMI)

About a week ago, I got what felt like a bug bite on my butt. It was itchy like no other. But didn’t think anything of it. It’s still been itchy but I guess I just got used to it.

Well, I caught a glimpse of it today and oh my god, it’s huge. From my point of view, it looks raised and swollen and red.

I had my fiancé look at it and he said it looks to be blistering over and puffy. About the size of two quarters. Put some Benadryl cream on it and that’s helped with the itchiness at the moment.

He told me he thinks it may be eczema, which would make sense because I had an odd break out on my face that’s just now gone away after about a month. It was dry skin, flaky, red, and itchy.

I also have REALLY bad dry skin on my hands. This is my first time living through a winter with negative temps and the air is so dry I feel almost constantly dehydrated and stuffed up.

I’m going to be calling my OB tomorrow, but just thought I’d ask if anyone has experienced anything like this and what helped?