Monster in law?


I'm 11 weeks and a couple weeks ago my husband and I shared with our parents, grandparents, siblings and closest friends we're expecting our first. Last Saturday my husband's mom texted him and asked if she could share my 8.5 w sonogram pic on Facebook. He said absolutely not. Fast forward to yesterday, I get home from work and I see she's posted on Facebook "I'm going to be a Gramma. Woo hoo!" without asking. She's getting tons of likes and congrats and someone tagged me in it which is how I found out. I was livid! I haven't even shared with my extended family and they saw her post. My husband had my back of course and let her know she shouldn't have done that, etc. All she said was sorry, I thought everyone knew. Mind you I'm not even out of the 1st trimester. Needless to say I'm still so pissed. That's my news to share publicly, not hers. Am I overreacting?