Pregnancy tips

Grace • 6/5/19 👪💙🥰 expecting baby #2🤗

I don’t know who this might help but just go ahead and invest in them tums & pantyliners sis. Once you get closer to the end it’s much harder for your food to digest & it kind of sits it your chest and when you lay down makes you nauseous. Tums kick in so fast and are very helpful especially when it’s bed time, just be mindful of the amount you can take seeing as though your pregnant. Also pantyliners ! Listen sis it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, that little baby moving around on your bladder sometimes may mean that you will leak urine involuntary 🤷🏾‍♀️ better safe than sorry right? All the water you drink on top of how hard it is for you to get up is just a bad combo. These are just some things I found out during my journey so hopefully it helps someone.