Fussy baby or deficiency?

Needing some input... around 4 weeks postpartum, i stopped taking my iron supplement. I have always had an iron deficiency and it leaves me sluggish, tired, irritable and feeling generally unwell. I exclusively breastfeed and right around when i stopped taking my iron supplement our daughter became extremely sluggish, tired, irritable and a god awful sleeper. We've always thought it was gas/reflux etc but nothing ever seemed to help and our pediatrician always told us everything seems fine. So she is almost 6 months now and we have tried creating a schedule since 3 months and we got hit with the 4 month sleep regression and now she sleeps mostly through the night again but it takes hours of screaming to get there. It doesnt matter if we hold her or not, she still screams. Its slightly less extreme if im holding her but its still hours on end. We stopped probiotics about 2 months ago because it was bothering her belly so she has no supplement currently. She holds alot of the same symptoms i had/have. Could it be she is iron deficient and thats leading to her becoming easily wore out, yet not tired but then becomes overtired almost immediately.... Im one lost momma please help😔 i just want her to stop crying and to feel better. Im so scared somethings wrong im just not figuring it out🙁