Pls help! Ttc after I'd removal(kyleena)


So I am ttc haven't been trying long but got my kyleena iud out on the 21st and had no bleeding at all. Then out of nowhere on the 22nd I started my period that was actually pretty short and only lasted 4-5 days. I usually have been getting them regularly on 27th sometimes on 26th. My ob said it's cause I came off iud and it kicked my period in early which was no biggie. So how should I do my period calender I did the 22nd cause that was the first day of my period and says these are the days I should be ttc and that my ovulation day is on the 6th but I usually get my period like I said on the 27th or 26th but cause of the removal of kyleena it jump started it..any advice???