Missed March by 2 hours! (Long read)
I’ll start off by saying my original due date was 3/2/2019, but at my last appointment on 2/27 it was suspected that I had gotten Cholestasis. Since the test would have taken 5 days and I was due in 3 we decided to induce on 2/28! We had originally been told to be at the hospital at 7:30am, but due to available rooms we didn’t make it in until 1:30pm. At 3pm I was measuring at 3cm and they began the pitocin. I will say I was super lucky as a ftm I had never felt pain or discomfort during contractions, so things were going easy breezy. At 6 my Dr came and I was still at a 3, but he broke my waters and that’s when things started to kick up and I could feel the contractions. I was always planning on going unmedicated so being induced was scary but I was sticking to my guns. (If you’re in Utah, I HIGHLY recommend The Curtis Method Classes for hypnobirthing.) I am very grateful for my husband, mom, and sister; because of them I was able to really focus on beating down and breathing through my contractions. At 9pm things started to get really intense so the nurse checked me and I was only a 5! Oi I thought I was going to die, but I was still determined. I was moaning and groaning and getting deeper into my inner mammal I did not give any care as to who could hear me, but at 10:20 I was ready to give up. If they had an epidural button I was pushing it! I had the nurse come check me again in my agony and I was a 9! She told me 10 more minutes and it would be show time... but that didn’t happen. She left the room and at 10:22 during one of my contractions I felt him coming down and told my family he was coming. They laid me back and quickly called the nurse back in; she took one look and told me we were doing it. She started calling everyone as quickly as possible, begging me not to push but at this point my body was doing it on its own. And at 10:24pm with 1 push my baby boy was born! He came so quickly they didn’t have time to catch, they just stopped him from falling off the bed 😂 My perfect angel boy Owen Pierce born 2/28 at 10:24pm.

My family set up the twinkly lights and were all in a line doing counter pressure.

My perfect boy 😍 I’m the luckiest to be his mama.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.