Sick kiddos...


How do you care for your babe when they're sick? Do you give medicine or try to go natural? Do you cover them up or keep them cool for a slight fever? Is there anything specific you feed them? Do you go to the doctors or try to take care of it yourself first? Do you do warm baths or try to avoid baths until they're better? Do you take them outside for fresh air or keep them indoors and cozy? Is there anything you'd recommend because it's a must when you're treating your cuties?

I'm just curious as to how other moms care for their little ones. My 18 month currently has a runny nose and his temperature went up to 99.7. For myself I like to go all natural and tough out as much as I possibly can. For my kids, I go natural but don't mind the motrin or Tylenol route if it's nearing a fever. Growing up Vicks was very big in my household and I still love it until this day but I have yet to apply any to my baby.