Bf in public


Hi mom's my baby is turning a month old tomorrow and so far we've only left home for his 2 dr appointments and he slept the whole time. I am having these anxiety attacks over bf in public.

1) My wardrobe is not specially for bf so I keep having to lift up my shirt all the way and shows some stomach sometimes

2) My baby doesn't really like a blanket over him while he is being fed

3) my baby is still little so I have to hold my boob w one hand and his little body/head w another hand so it's hard to stay covered in this position

4) baby eats best on football hold making it a little harder to latch covered up specially because he always takes a few seconds to get a good latch so some times it's a battle between my nipplr and his mouth before we start feeding lol

Am I overthinking this or what. I fear someone will see my boob and say something and I will blow up because u guys know that for some people bf is such a taboo etc etc and I'm just really trying to figure it out. I know as he gets older he will learn how to hold it and I'll make it easier. What do yall think?