Had fully planned to have a natural childbirth--no epidural, because the thought of a needle in my s...

Had fully planned to have a natural childbirth--no epidural, because the thought of a needle in my spine freaked me out. I was 8 days overdue, and decided to get induced. I arrived at the hospital Sunday evening 8/30 at 6 pm, where they planned to use a cervix softener to ripen my cervix. Checking in to the hospital was extremely pleasant, not at all how it would have been if I waited for labor to come on its own. When I arrived I was 70% effaced, and still just 1 cm dilated. However, I was having consistent contractions that were 2-3 mins apart (I could feel them, but assumed they were Braxton hicks because they were so mild). Because my contractions were so close together, they decided not to use cervix softener because it would have made my contractions even closer together and they wouldn't be able to stop them. Instead of the softener, we went straight to a very low dose of pitocin overnight to help open my cervix. They upped the dose at 4 am, and my contractions got stronger--but not too intense. I slept for about an hour that night, but with all the monitors, hospital bed, and anxiousness, it was just impossible to sleep (I declined the ambient they offered). When my Dr arrived around 6 am, I was at 2 cm and still around 70 % effaced. He broke my water, and then things got real--fast. Contractions finally became painful, which I was excited about at first because I knew baby would be here soon. I got in the jacuzzi tub, with Epsom salt and lavender oil--tried to relax. After about 5 hours of intense pain and painful contractions I begged her to check my uterus so I could see the progress. I was still only 4 cm dilated--but 100% effaced. I was deathly tired, uncomfortable  still with all the IVs, and constant fetal monitoring. I was shaking profusely and throwing up nonstop--I couldn't see an end in sight. I was hoping I would have been at least 7 cm by then! She informed me of my pain management options--the only alternative to the epidural would only take the edge off, and would have only lasted 30 mins. Suddenly, it occurred to me that even if I did make it through the labor, I wanted to be relaxed enough to actually enjoy my baby girl when she came out. In addition I just honestly thought I was going to die. My cervix just wasn't dilating as quickly as I wanted it to. I caved in and got an epidural, and it was the best decision I could have made. Because of my intense labor pains, I didn't even feel the epi going in. They started the Epi at 10:30 am, and by 12:30 ish it was already time to push. I couldn't believe it!! My body and mind were finally able to relax, so my cervix finally dilated--they had even lowered the pitocen significantly. Pushing was a breeze, and other than pressure, couldn't feel a thing. I pushed my baby girl out in about 30 mins, the Drs couldn't believe it was my first baby because of how well I pushed even with the epi on--I just wanted her out! My baby girl made it into the world at 1:02 pm on 8/31/2015 weighing in at 8 lbs 15.6 oz, 19 3/4 inches. We did skin to skin for about an hour, and by that time I was walking fine. I had minor 1st degree tears. My birth didn't go exactly as planned, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing about it (except maybe not wait so long to get the epi!!).