Screw the quick fixes... it’s about more than that! 💕


Different settings and a little less than 4 years apart. Same weight in both photos. Left photo was doing the 21 day fix strictly with some cardio and cutting all carbs, sugars and dairy. The right photo I do cardio, some HIIT exercises and use weights while I still have had days where I pig out on carbs and sugars.


The difference in mindset? I remember getting that photo taken 4 years ago and I still felt insecure, need to lose more weight, not skinny enough, yada yada. Even added a filter to feel better. After the motivation for the Quick fix died down, I ended up gaining back the weight plus 10lbs because the diet I did was not sustainable. I felt I lost when I ate a cookie or chips and therefore gave up and went back to old habits. NOW I feel better in my body than ever. I’ve never had abs and the process has been much slower (3 weeks quick fix for the left and 5 months for the photo on the right). I work abs almost every time I go to the gym and cook more at home where I know the ingredients going in my body. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t almost eaten an entire medium pizza in one night or go out to eat and not get that delicious burger. I just don’t do it as often.


I’m a promoter of a healthy life style not a quick fix that markets like to put out these days. Maybe for some, but for most people it’s not sustainable to think of it as a short term goal for a long term mindset. It’s truly a mind and body change which is why I call it a lifestyle change. My set weight is right where I’ve wanted it to be the last 4 years and I feel healthier than ever.


We are all starting at different places and won’t immediately see the results we want or have our bodies look like someone else’s because we are unique and our bodies are built differently, but I’m telling you focus on how you feel and the results will come when you start filling your tummy with nutrition over processed. You’ll feel better forcing yourself to do a quick 30 minute workout versus feeling tired and sitting on the couch. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!! 😊💪👙