Menstrual Cup Problems!



I recently just bought a diva cup in hopes of being able to use it for my next period coming up. I’ve seen women try to use it a few days before just to get the hang of it so i tried it. It’s not going in correctly. I tried a few times and with different folds too. At last it finally went in but the cup just felt to low. The nub was sticking out so i pushed it in a bit but it still felt to low. How do I know how high to put it? Is the nub not supposed to be sticking out at all? Please help. Thanks :))

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The nub is not supposed to be sticking out. What I’ve found is you have to put it in farther than you think you do. And pushing it up after it’s in doesn’t really do much.


Ka • Mar 5, 2019
Mine felt reeeeaaaally weird the first few times


GypC • Mar 5, 2019
thank you :)) i’m just going to keep trying until it feels right


Posted at
My cervix sits low during my period so I usually stick my cup right up to my cervix. If it is lower it is uncomfortable but once it is there i can’t even feel it really.