Pms or pregnancy?

Danielle 💜 • 💍 JACK 09.08.18 👶🏻 LILY 12.20.19 💊 HG SURVIVOR

Irregular periods so couldn’t say if AF is late or not but am 14 DPO. All tests thus far been negative. Hands and feet get really clammy, feel constant lump in my throat like I have to burp all the time and all food makes me nauseous (despite my large appetite), and now yoga makes me want to barf which is something I do every day :( almost hurled in class yikes! Boobs were really sore the week after O but turned into just a dull ache around the armpits. I know this could be pms but it’s pms like I’ve never had before....any insight from you beautiful pregnant mammas?