Second time having an IUD?


I got my Kyleena inserted 2 years ago, and had it for 1 1/2 years before getting it taken out due to it getting out of place and causing pain. I had a wonderful experience the first time around, no unusual pain, bleeding, or negative side effects until it became dislodged. 2 weeks ago (after not having an IUD for 3 months) I had another Kyleena inserted because I loved my previous one so much. Insertion was just fine, and for the first week I had no pain or anything. Now, this week, I've been experiencing on and off intense pain, moderate continuous bleeding (not quite period intensity, but definitely more than spotting), and breast pain. (I NEVER have breast pain, it's just not a normal symptom for me personally)

It was inserted while I was on my period, and my so and I had sex 2 days afterwards, but that was it. We got really sick with the flu so sex was the last thing either of us wanted for a week and a half. Only a week later did I start experiencing these symptoms. Could it have been placed incorrectly, or become dislodged like my previous one? Or is this considered normal after insertion? I'm just concerned because I had none of this the first time around!

I do plan on seeing my obgyn if this gets any worse, but I don't want to make a big deal out of this if this is considered normal. What are your thoughts? How have you ladies reacted to getting IUD's?