Realising the facts

Trying and trying, got pregnant in October.. I was coming up 8 weeks when I booked a scan. Nurse said "There's no baby just a gestational Sac and yolk sac, your have to come back in a weeks time" So a week went by so slowly, I couldn't believe my my eye... the week went slow. So I went back a week lately to see if a baby was there, I even prayed to God a couple times... seems as if he had others ideas. So scan day came 9 weeks I should be, nurse said the same thing as last week and that I will have a miscarriage. I had a cry and a real think that day. I was diagnosed with Blighted Ovum. Got me upset but nurse said "I have a healthy body and healthy ovarys". She said my options and said to go away and think about it. I went through a miscarriage in early December. When it should be the happish month of all. Not as such. We invite he mum to stay for Christmas, at the time I finished going through my miscarriage. She rudely said "That it's not time for another baby and we shouldn't be thinking about one this year" really got me that day. We then told her what was going on, she hugged me that was it I got really.. it was like it was yesterday. Anyway it's now March and still body wants to recover.