Just disgusted.


So i like to play games right? Like video games. So i play a lot of video games and talk to different people bc i play multiplayer. So in our gaming community someone was caught asking children,14-16years olds, for nudes and to do sexual acts with them. Which the gaming community got him arrested of course, after they got all the evidence out they need to arrest him.

BUT what really disgusts me is when people offend him. Saying shit like "Well it was the girls who sent it. They could've blocked him or not talked to him."

Like really. Like its DISGUSTING. How to you defend someone who preys on children? Its beyond me. Im so disgusted on how empty some of these peoples brains are. And then someone tried to say, and i qoute

" Well im from Germany and im 25 uears old but i have a 16 year old girlfriend, whats so bad about it?"

Now let me say this the man who was caught doing all these things to the underage girls was 21 and he is from America. And the girls that are 14,15, and 16, they're also from America. Which makes it illegal. But this person keeps saying that its okay because its legal in his country.


Like if your country is okay with it it's fine. But in America it depends on the state. Amd i just being to overdramatic over this or am I handling this well. Or am im very wrong about all of this💀💀!

Because as someone who's actually been taken advantage of its disgusting how people think this is okay.