27w+1 and hospitalized for the duration of my pregnancy

Liz Momma of 3 KD born 3/26/19 !!!

So I have a feeling that I'm going to be here and have a April baby instead of a June baby when I'm due.

This is more to vent than anything because I'm a little frustrated. This is my rainbow baby I lost a previous child last April to an incompetent cervix and was pleasantly surprise when we found out we had conceived in September. I have to previous beautiful daughters ages 8 and 12, So me and my husband have been anxiously trying for 5 years. I am grateful that he has taken on the role of daddy to them and my 12 yr old is a blessing. She has been super detrimental at home cooking and cleaning -yes she was taught early and loves the independance it gives her. This is our 1st baby and boy O boy has this been quite the journey. I got an emergency cerclage placed at week 16 then placed on bed rest till week 25 only to go to work for 3 days because they screwed up my return and then have my water burst that Friday afternoon when I left for my doctor's appointment in the parking lot of the hospital. I count my blessings that I was here when it happened but now I am confined to this Room until whatever happens whether she comes out early or they remove the stitches at 34 weeks the week of April 22. To make matters slightly more complicated my husband is in the military and hes due for military training both April and may so it will be a PIA If I end up going into labor when they pull my stitch in he is not here. Him and I have talked about making sure what to do like contacting the Red Cross to get him home so I am familiar with the procedure, but none of this helps. This has been the most complicated pregnancy I've ever had and hope to God it's the most rewarding . I feel like a resident of the hospital and have met most of the hospitalists here and they're starting to get used to me which I feel is weird but thank God they are kind and pushing for us to get to 34 weeks.... and I swear to God if this girl says ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT HOW I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING FOR HER....Shes got a long day ahead of her smh...🤣 but bedrest boredom and loneliness is a bitch and nothing worse than having nothing to do when you are used to doing it all... 😑

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Posted at
Omg I am so so sorry but also so grateful you and baby girl are being watched and in good hands! You need to dig deep into some Netflix. I’ve been rewatching friends and I think you should absolutely dive in! So lighthearted and fun to watch and you can get lost in it for a couple hours. Good luck!!!


Liz Momma of 3 KD born 3/26/19 !!! • Mar 7, 2019
Not sure I'll ask.


Christina • Mar 6, 2019
Does the hospital have free WiFi?


Liz Momma of 3 KD born 3/26/19 !!! • Mar 6, 2019
If I could get it without terrorizing my phone bill I will, otherwise its Maury and First 48 lol my faves. I also have some coloring to do and maybe some crocheting but it's hard to wanna get focused on that.


Posted at
Omg that’s so scary but I’m so happy you’re being treated!! I know I’d be climbing the walls as well. Always a good time to start a Netflix binge? I hope your baby is born healthy and easy!


Liz Momma of 3 KD born 3/26/19 !!! • Mar 6, 2019
Thank you, my husband bought a game console for me but the TV has a weird hook up in the back. Just trying not to blow my phone bill sky high lol. I miss my creature comforts. It has given me a lot of time to think about all the things that I need to put into perspective.


Posted at
What branch is he in? Sometimes they can be pretty flexible for missing training if theres an emergency going on. But I'm in the Air Force...so. lolAsk him to talk to his 1st sgt about it. It's worth a shot I think. Your situation seems pretty scary.


Ashley • Mar 6, 2019
Oops. Posted too soon. I was scheduled for a class in October that I needed to pick up rank. A week before the class, I found out I was pregnant. I was supposed to go through a gas chamber but with real nerve agent in it, which I would not do pregnant. I asked my supervisor to call to see if I could still attend the class but not the chamber since. I figured it was last minute, they might let me attend. My dumb supervisor called someone who wasnt even affiliated with the training and said I couldn't go. Then the day the class started, I found out the chamber had been closed for almost 4 months and they werent sending anyone through it. I was PISSSSSSED! I'm a 12 year e5 because I crossed trained and cant get to this damn course!! Meanwhile, someone who's been in 5.5 years with no deployments has been able to pick up e6. It's pretty upsetting for me


Ashley • Mar 6, 2019
Oh yeah. That makes sense. I'm in a similar situation


Liz Momma of 3 KD born 3/26/19 !!! • Mar 6, 2019
He's finishing out his 20 with the Army National Guard. He did prior service with the Marines for 12.... he's so close to hitting 20 lol. It's all timing issues because he is transitioning roles during his promotion and needs to take the classes.