People who live in California

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

I find it really funny how all the celebs and youtubers are like “oh we need rain! It’s so dry” and then when it rains they complain about how it’s nasty. I’m sorry but take into consideration the giant wildfires you guys just had, rain is needed. As not fun as rain is, it’s needed. Especially a place like that, that has SO many fires that have completely wiped out cities and killed many people and left a lot of people homeless. I may not like the rain but it’s a fact of life and we need it. Kinda upsets me to see big people who we look up to saying how you can’t do much in the rain, guess what a lot of people still go about their life when it rains. You may not be able to do everything but life doesn’t just halt when it rains. Sure rain does have its disadvantages such as floods, etc, but our environment needs it. If I lived in a place as dry and wildfire prone like that, I’d be overjoyed when it rains. I don’t think they are trying to come off like that, but rain can be an amazing thing especially in a place like that.

I’m not trying to hate on them but I think they shouldn’t complain about something that Cali really needs, cuz after I sat and watched the giant fires I thought wow, they really need some rain. And they finally got some. From a distance I’m really happy they got rain, after all the disasters that almost caused me to cry Cuz of how terrible it was they really needed it. I just wanted to put that out there. Who else thinks people should be happy that it’s raining there?