Flying with baby


We will be flying with out almost 4 month old in a couple weeks to Florida. Any pointers you can offer? What to pack? Babies and the sun?

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We just went to Florida. We had our daughter sit on our lap so we gate checked her car seat and stroller. Our pediatrician ok’d sunscreen for her (she’s 3 months) but I didn’t feel right about using it, so we just kept her in the shade and had a big UV hat for her. I found it helpful to have a large muslin blanket to drape over her seat while in the stroller. Offered her shade but felt like it was still cooler. It was super hot and we were mostly poolside, so she just stayed in a diaper. When we went out, we just put her in a onesie.


Jo • Mar 8, 2019
With all the extra stuff it was nice to have the stroller to help carry it around. Also, we left the base of the car seat at home and just used the seatbelt method for all car rides once we landed.


Jo • Mar 8, 2019
Check with your airline. We were able to gate check two of three (stroller, car seat, or pack and play) for free. I thought using our wrap would be easiest in the airport, but having the stroller and car seat (it’s a travel system) was actually really great. I exclusively pump so we had a bunch of extra carry on stuff (pump, bottles, small cooler, breast milk bags, etc. And side note —- not sure how you feed but you’re allowed to bring as much breast milk or formula as you need)


Courtney • Mar 8, 2019
Was there a cost to check your stroller and carseat? I've heard of it the stroller being able to board for free since it's a mobility device but I haven't seen much regarding the carseat.


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You’ll want your hands free as much as possible so check all your luggage except one small carry-on with all your usual diaper bag stuff plus anything else you will need in flight or at the airport. Be sure to include more diapers than you think you will need, a full change of clothes for baby, an extra shirt for you (just in case), hand sanitizer, and Lysol wipes. (As soon as you get on the plane wipe down all the hard surface around you - planes are full of germs). Babywearing is the easiest way to get through the airport, especially going through security (make sure if your carrier has a pocket that you empty it). They will let you wear baby going through and then they just swab the carrier and/or your hands. If you would rather use a stroller through the airport you can, most airlines will let you gatecheck a stroller for free, you do have to take baby out to go through security though. If you are bringing your infant car seat, the stroller is a nice option if it’s a travel system (I usually still babywear though and use the stroller to transport the car seat and my bag). Let baby suck on something during takeoff and landing (breast, bottle or pacifier) to avoid ear popping. Unless of course baby is asleep, in that case let them sleep through it. (When my first was younger I always nursed him as soon as we got on the plane while still sitting not he tarmac, he would fall asleep before we even took off and with shorter flights he would often then sleep straight through the flight and landing as well) Try not to stress if baby fusses, don’t worry about other people on the plane they will get over it. Just stay calm, focus on your baby, do the best you can and don’t sweat the small stuff. And my biggest advice for flying, though most people ignore it because of the extra cost, is to buy your baby their own seat and bring their car seat on the plane. It’s not only a safer way for baby to travel it’s also more comfortable and much easier for you if you have a place to put your baby down. Bringing the car seat on the plane also avoids having to check a car seat where it could get damaged (baggage handlers are far from gentle). If you do check the car seat get a protective bag for it at least and inspect it thoroughly after the flight. Gate checking vs. checking up front will help minimize the risk of damage. Plus if you plan to gate check you can always ask the gate agent if it’s a full flight, and if it isn’t they will usually shuffle things around to sit you next to an empty seat and then you can bring your car seat on for baby for free.-For the sun, baby is still too young for sunscreen so focus on keeping baby in the shade as much as possible. Dress them in light clothing but minimal exposed skin, make sure baby has a sun hat as well. While making sure baby is protected from the sun, be careful not to overheat them and make sure there is always good airflow. Nurse or offer bottles a little more frequently to keep baby hydrated.


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