Pregnant after a miscarriage.


In the end of May 2018 we got pregnant then lost the baby a few days into the 6th week on June 20, 2018. We are now pregnant with our second baby/pregnancy (I still consider our angel baby ours). It’s taken us a year to get to where we are. Praying this one is ours to keep. We were prepared to start <a href="">fertility treatment</a> after August but the angels must have heard my prayers.

I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive to any of the mommas out there who have had a much harder time , more loss, and actual treatment. My heart goes out to you ♥️

I’m scared to loose this baby. I’m 20 now, 21 soon. We were told if we wanted to have a baby it needed to be sooner rather then later. I have cramps (I know they can be from the uterus growing) but I had them last time too. I know I need to not worry so much.

For the ladies who have gotten pregnant after a miscarriage, how do you get through it without worrying every day?