Help I'm dying inside

Brandie • I'm a wifey with a 9year old daughter..trying for baby # 2

Well yesterday I went out to my follow-up appointment and found out that there was no improvement from the embryo that this pregnancy was not going to make it it's just a matter of time before I miscarry I sent in the pills to put up inside of my vaginal area who go ahead and start the process this is the first time I have ever went through this I need some uptilt lifting support because I'm scared to try again for those who have been through this how long did it take you to conceive right after you went through my doctor told me to wait a month till I had a full cycle and then just keep trying this is killing me and it's breaking my heart that was the only positive thing I had going in my life and it just feels like it's being ripped away technically yes I am still pregnant due to the doctor wanting me to wait a week or two to see if my body rejects it if not the medicine is at Pharmacy for me to pick up whenever I am so petrified please help me my mind is not right and I feel like my world is crashing down around me I really would love some support from those who have went through this and how long it took y'all to get pregnant again I've not been able to stop crying this is the most devastating thing that's ever happened to me in my life because my first pregnancy was normal I don't know if it's because I had that Mirena IUD in for 10 years and that still had something to do or if it was stress or if the baby just stopped growing. Or wasn't even going to make it never got too much of answers at the doctor's each time I went so just trying to put this out there so maybe I could get some understanding and then some of my sanity back and feel like there is a positive outcome from this hell that I feel like I am going through I feel empty now is that normal