Period sex fertility



I know you can get pregnant at any point in your cycle and that sperm live for like a week. I’m just curious, if you have sex the day your period starts, like you’ve already started bleeding, and the sperm meets the egg, and it becomes a blastocyst, will your period stop? Will you have a miscarriage? Will you get pregnant? Or will the egg just leave the body as normal because it’s barely anything yet?

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If it’s the first day of your period there is next to a zero chance of there being an egg there. The egg emerges around day 14-15 of your cycle for most people and only lives 12-24 hours


Paige • Mar 16, 2019
The egg emerges once in your cycle. About 14 days after the first day of your period. It lives for 12-24 hours and then dies. Unless a sperm fertilizes it. Then it becomes a blastocyst and may implant in your uterus 7-12 days later. So 99% of the time if you are having sex on your period there is no egg there to fertilize.


Anna • Mar 16, 2019
Oh wait I think I read your original comment wrong. Are you saying that after you’re done ovulating the egg dies and cannot turn into a blastocyst?


Paige • Mar 10, 2019
There won’t be an egg. The egg won’t be there for 2 more weeks