Weird pain during/after sex

So this is gonna be TMI I apologize, but last night my fiancé and I were having sex. I was on my knees on the bed and he was behind me, and when he went all the way inside of me it hurt. It was like the top, back, right side up in there (lol) but it was just really tender feeling to the point that I had to ask him to stop. Then what started out as a shooting pain made its way up and then it just became a dull achy pain in what felt like my uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovary then started to hurt in my back as well. It kept me awake for about an hour before I could fall asleep. It’s not hurting this morning but if I stand or tense up a certain way it will pinch a little bit. Should I be worried? I have no earthly idea why this would have started out of nowhere if it wasn’t something serious. (I should add that I am ovulating either today or tomorrow as I’ve had positive opk’s for the past two/three days.