Single and pregnant

I just need to vent

So I was in a “situationship” with a guy since 2014. Im 25 and he’s 30. I struggled with endometriosis and pcos. I’ve always wanted to have kids. No, I wasn’t on bc and Yes we were having unprotected sex. We both were well aware and even talked about it. He was fine with everything. His response was, “I’m grown I know the consequences of my actions. I know that every time we have sex and I don’t pull out there’s a chance of pregnancy” well a couple weeks ago I found out that I’m pregnant. 5w4d today and yes it’s by him..he’s the only guy I’ve been having sex with for years. Well, I went to him when I found out and all he had to say was Okay. Of course, I was excited. Well days passed by and he never said anything else about it. Every tome I would bring the situation up it’s like I would hit a nerve with him. So I scheduled my first prenatal visit and asked him to come with me & he laughed in my face and said no. He said he don’t understand how I thought that he would be happy about the situation and he didn’t want a child! I told him all I wanted was some type of support because I didn’t wanna do this alone..I don’t want to have to go to appointments alone. He said to me well if i wanted supposed then I should have waited until I was in a relationship with someone or married to someone before I decided to get pregnant. I didn’t make this baby on my own! I then continued to tell him how this isn’t just my fault. He had sex with me. He didn’t pull out. It’s both of us. & all he had to say about that was that he didn’t actually think I would get pregnant. He thought I was infertile and would have to have to have a dr get me pregnant one day. To make a long story short he ended up saying fuck me and anything that has to do with me but when the child is born... he’ll meet me for a dna test and to sign the birth certificate and take care of and raise the child if it’s his. I’m just so hurt. I don’t know what to do. I’m happy that I’m pregnant. I already love my child. I’m just upset that I have to do this alone and go to appointments alone. We went from talking all day every day to no even texted in a whole week.