Rough Day....

I had 2 pairs of pants on (leggings under sweatpants) and I bled thru both. Thank god winter in New England is so cold (the only time I’ve ever said that) so I had a thick and really long jacket to wear all day. so I was good, right? Wrong. (Lol) I realized I have gym last period and I can’t wear my long jacket while playing badminton. So my sister brought me a new pair of pants from home. Thank the lord for sisters. And I was fasting today because my church had all the women fast on international women’s day and in my foods class of course we ate our coffee cake that we made yesterday so I had to sit there and watch everybody eat while I was starving from not eating all day:) but I am thankful that my body works well enough to make a period happen. Sometimes while I’m on my period I know that the only thing I will do is be upset unless I think positive. So at least that means that my systems work (for the most part because you never know with fertility) so hopefully I can have a bunch of kids one day! Periods really stink but think about how they are preparing us for the beautiful miracle of making a baby! Life gets tough ladies, especially when af comes to visit. But sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and conquer this! Here’s to being strong women who can do anything! We have to think like this to get thru life. So HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY to all the amazing women out there:)))