Possible twins. Thoughts?

Theresa • Mommy of 3, two heavenly babies and pregnant with our ❤️💛💚💙💜

Update at bottom!:

Went for my 8 week apt Ultrasound.

Vaginal. Baby looked amazing. 171hb!!

Sees a shadow starts maneuvering. We see something . Keeps messing with wand. Sees what we feel is a baby and a hb is seen. Flickering.

Couldn't get good pics of both. So they have the ultrasound tech take a look. He only does abdominal.

Says it's a subchronic hemorrhage. Didn't even do a vaginal.

Has this happened to anyone and it ended up being twins. I know what we saw.

It felt rushed. I feel he is wrong. I am absolutely happy clearly with one.

Just looking for thoughts and experiences.

This is vaginally

This is abdominally

Thanks for your thoughts!!!

Uodate:Vaginal pic is flipped so u see the SCH on left side of screen. Abdominal is straight away so it's on the right side of screen. This makes sense as us tech was on my right side of my body for the SCH. He legit did not mess with my left side. He saw the SCH and focused only on that. Here is a circled pic of vaginal and where we found the second sac and what we all believed baby and hb. Looked like initial one. All four of us saw it. She explored vaginally because it was a shadow that caught her eye.

So this pic. The circled image is actually the left side of my body due to it being vag nally.

I have booked a private abdominal scan for the 19th. I'll be 10 weeks exactly and hoping we would be able to see something if in fact another baby was hiding in there.. I know we have a SCH. But absolutley feel he did a piss poor job and treated me like a cookie cutter patient who he has probably dealt with a million times. I am so excited for a healthy strong peanut currently. But I can't help feel he is wrong. Or did not do a thorough job.