Dear idiot sister in law

Let me preface this by saying I do not give an iota of a fuck about what happens to you. I hope you face consequences for your actions. Your son, who is as of this hour unborn, did not ask for any of what you’ve done to him. He’ll be here soon and you don’t give a single shit. You’re literally sitting on a hospital bed complaining that they won’t let you smoke. You’ve drank, done drugs, and smoked both cigarettes and pot your whole pregnancy. And yet you turn around and say you love your baby so much? But you’ve also told everyone you really like how much attention and government benefits he brings you. You disgust me to my core. He didn’t ask for any of this, and he does not deserve it. You either need to grow up and be a fucking parent, or I hope that someone else will be the parent he deserves. I hope you rot. - she has a cps file already because she’s been ruled mentally unstable by a court. My MIL is enabling her however, and they’re doing “everything in their power” to keep the baby.

***UPDATE. the baby is here. He’s very small and she’s breastfeeding and smoking. He has fetal alcohol syndrome and cries every time my MIL leaves him with his “parents”. They don’t want to take care of him and give him zero affection unless instructed to. I hate them.