Confused and irritated-ttc while BFing

Last month, I was so sure I was pregnant. Period was 3 days late, had every classic symptom, just "knew" I was. Took a few cheap tests and kept getting BFNs. The 4th day I was late, hubby and I had sex. I started spotting but thought no big deal. Next day, I had a heavy flow.

The next 3 days were very light and I had zero cramping. Which was weird, but I thought maybe I just didn't ovulate because I'm still breastfeeding. A few days later I had a lot of CM. Also kinda weird. Figured no way I'm ovulating just yet so went on about my cycle. Fertility week comes up....nothing. No positive OPK, no usual symptoms, and just clumpy(tmi) white CM. I'm not CD 20 out of 34 and still, the same clumpy white CM. I'm used to this near my period, but all month? Almost a whole cycle? Took a test just in case and still negative. Idk what the af is going on down there but its discouraging to think I could go 2 cycles back to back without ovulating.

^this what I got today at CD 20. First stretchy CM but still clumpy.

I don't think any of this is really relevant but I do eat grapefruit every morning(I've read it's supposed thin CM) and I'm super bloated and nauseous(nausea is normal to me, puking out of the blue like yesterday is not, however)