So. Not. Satisfied 😩

My husband and I just had “sex” and omg it was soooo bad. I was open and wet and ready And as soon as he went in it instantly sucked he isn’t big enough plain and simple. He is the only one I’ve ever been with and it sucks because I want to be with someone else. I don’t think I’ve ever even orgasmed ??!! Most of the time I have to do all these weird uncomfortable positions just to make his unsensitive ass dick cum and it’s never about me or what feels good to me or what’s sexy to me. And don’t suggest a vibrator because he said no because they are bigger than him so I won’t want him for real D. I’ve tried talking to him and all he says is “sorry” but I feel like this is leading me to want to cheat so bad. 5 inches and thin isn’t cutting it

Update: to all of you saying I’m horrible.. why? Sex is an important part of a marriage and ours sucks. He won’t make adjustments so I’m asking for advice ?? Also, unfortunately for my pussy this is NOT a troll post 💔