WORST Adult Acne I've Ever Had


So I've been dealing with the worst adult acne I've ever had this far. I'm 26 years old. It started in the early stages of summer last year and has been persistent with every topical acne medication known to man. You name it I've tried it. ProactivMD, CUROLOGY, Drugstore Brands, the works. I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide and have uber sensitive skin. Fast forward to today, where I've had enough of this s*** and I'm sitting in my doctors office to see about getting a prescription to use along with continuing topical treatment. I don't leave my house anymore because I'm so self conscious of what my face looks like. I've broke off my relationship, and refused Togo out on dates. For those of you who say you can cover it up with makeup, that may be true but even makeup clogs your pores and causes more breakouts and I double cleanse my face to try and make sure I get all the makeup and dirt out of my pores. I won't post a pic because like I said I'm self conscious. It was all I could do to force myself out of my house and come see the doctor. But I'm tired of this. Its red, raw, itchy, and painful. Its the kind of acne that is either nodular or cystic so its not something I can pop and it'll clear up. Im going to try to get on spiro cause I've tried your typical antibiotics already with no luck. Sorry for such a long post but I had to get this out. What did you try for stubborn acne that wouldn't go away. Any recommendations are helpful!!!


According to my primary care provider there's a very good chance that I have PCOS because I have all the indicators for it, plus my sister has it as well so it's genetic. I have body hair in places that I shouldn't, severe acne, severe weight gain over the last year or two and I've had large cysts that are extremely painful upon bursting. I have the birth control implant Nexplanon and its done wonders for my ovarian cysts but all the other symptoms of PCOS are still present. I have to go back in at 4pm for fasting lab work to officially determine everything. I'll continue to update this post as I find out more information.