Toddler nap help!


I have a 19 month old little girl. She has always been a great sleeper, and still is. She sleeps through the night, 10-12 hours. She transitioned herself to one nap around 12-13 months old, but it has always been in the morning, not afternoon. Now, she is to the point where she is crashing about 2-2.5 hours after she wakes for the day. Nothing I do helps! I have tried everything to get her to play and stay awake, and I’ve even tried adjusting her bedtime, both making it earlier and later. Nothing works. She naps so early in the day that by the time 4:00 comes around, she is fussy and exhausted, but it’s way too early for bedtime and way too late for another nap. I’ve also tried to give her a second nap around 2:00 or so, but she refuses every time. She does have about 4 molars coming in right now, I’ve been thinking maybe that’s why she is so exhausted most of the day and ready to nap so early. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Is it normal? Any advice would help!