Ttc with no sex drive


Okay so since i had my daughter 4 years ago, i have lost my sex drive pretty much completely. It really sucks because my husband is super sexual and reminds me constantly that he just wants me all the time and feels like i never want him. I have told him so many times that it’s not him and i don’t even wanna masturbate anymore. I’ve talked to doctors and everything and nothing seems to work. So long story short we’ve been trying to conceive our second child and what i thought was going great because even though I’m not necessarily “feeling like doing it” i still do. Today he messages me talking about the same situation of how he wants me to not just have sex with him on my fertile days and that he’s not just for making a baby. I’ve tried and tried to explain to him that I’m sorry it’s working out like that but we actually have sex more than most of our other married friends and i wish he could just be happy with that. I know i used to be all kinky and into a lot more stuff but I’m a Sahm now and I’m tired! Running around after a kid all day and making sure the house is cleaned by the time he gets home and putting a made from scratch meal on the table every night wears me out! I don’t have a lot of people to talk about it without feeling like I’m burdening them with my problems. If any of you have any advice or can just help me figure out what to do, it would be so appreciated. I feel so empty that i can not satisfy my husband. After thinking we were on the same page and happy now learning that this is such a problem for him has broken my heart.