Relationship advice I want what y’all think


Okay so I did mess up in this one or maybe I didn’t .my man hurt his back and was taking pain medicine. then his back got better but he started sleep walking taking them in his sleep so I hid them without him knowing so that he couldn’t keep doing it. he didn’t for like a night but then I woke up and he was searching for it I told him your back is better but he was asleep I couldn’t reason with him he got so mad like scary mad. I got him to go back to bed I didn’t really sleep so I took them I got ride of then the way you should. I was going to tell him everything but then we got into a fight about having a gun in the house it’s the only thing I care about in the way of weapons he of course says I’m not thinking about the family which I am. so when I was going tell him what happened I’m about to tell him but then he freaks out and I do tell him but once he’s mad he’s mad I had a lot of bad things happen because of pain medicine my mom has a problem with her memory and was taking too much of her pain meds or she was just abusing them I took control of them and while I was on a walk with my daughter I was held up at gun point and they were stollen from me and so because I didn’t tell him the truth right away he asked if that actually happened the only reason I was still alive was because I had that I didn’t even know I had it he said if I lied about his medicine I do not know how to fix this now not talking to me other then one word text he has messed up too he has done things and I have forgiven him I said I’m so sorry I messed but idk advice please and thank you